May 3, 2013 by tdomf_fbe0b
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mr.Mark I hearded every thats were said, about we are goinging to make every one rich and the poor to,and take away the rule of man I am still in the darked on that,The Blackstallion.
How thrilling to hear Mark describe the Big Picture! The Twelve Visions Party in full action will be a sight to behold in watching the political and mystical factions dissipate.
There is a need to move fast to overcome the destruction of our freedoms and the world as we know it. The controlling of our food supply by monsanto is appalling but I guess the best course of action is to focus on the C of U instead of going into combat with the errors.
The forums are confusing to me because such a large number of posts are made by 2 people and no one replies to them. There are so many subjects from the literature that we could be commenting on but I don’t see anyone posting about those. It is like there is an intimidation and others are afraid to speak as am I. 🙂