Sunday, March 9, 2025

Level 8

September 1, 2011 by tdomf_fbe0b  
Filed under Integrations

I am excited&proud to be a part of this movement. I have a huge learning curve in front of me but I am committed to doing anything I can to bring about the 12 visions world. Thank-you Mark Hamilton for having the vision of how this world can be.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Level 8”
  1. Gary Bruce Griffith says:

    Hi, am letting you know I went thru the fantastic great level 8 meeting only to be frustrated in trying to leave a post a intergration for level 8.I have to date written one long one and one short intergration for level 8 and wasted half my day at work trying to locate them to insure I had left them and they were recorded and tried several times to print them out and nothing hahppened,.I also left a post a regular on on level 8 in the reg post place and it wont copy out either. How does one double check the post have been received and just maybe need to be viewed before they are posted in public. As thats 3 posts for today while at work and am wasting time when I should be working some ., Just wanted to double check the posts are on record for Mark Hamilton. Rev G Bruce Griffith D.D./Essex MD

  2. Gary Bruce Griffith says:

    Can I move on to level 9 now? am behind and should be completely done by now with the 12 mentoring levels to move on and help others etc and develop my neothink process further…still trying to get all heirloom and other neotech books read and mastered and all levels and all meetings on phone and internet I can do…while developing my new online at home businesses. What else can I do to more fully become intergrated into the C of U philosophy and lifestyle.

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