Saturday, February 22, 2025

Level 8 – Big Picture, wonder filled!

November 16, 2020 by Alicia  
Filed under Integrations

Thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton, for discussing, explaining in more detail, the Big Picture (C of U) in Level 8 meeting. Thank you for allowing me to join you in the journey of NO return (who would want to return to the AC? Not me!). I am very appreciative and grateful to you!

Hearing you in video format share your vision truly was energizing, triggered my memory into remembering all of the Miss Annabelle story (from beginning to end). Re-experienced what I had felt while reading it. When you mentioned how difficult and emotional it was to stop writing this precious faction story due to experiencing in your mind the C of U through the creation process, I realized that I felt similar when reaching the end of reading this wonder filled faction wrok. I too didn’t want it to end for it was the happiest ending to any written work I had ever read. Now having a spark of the C of U in my mind from the Prime Literature, I want the C of U actualized. I can see myself in the C of U. I know the entire world will be better without the AC. The C of U will save millions+ lives! The C of U will gift all citizens of the C of U immortality so they will have the time to do everything imaginable and then some. What an exceptional happy lifestyle that will be!

Furthermore, I get that the Clubhouses (each one formed) are the beginning of the C of U happening incrementally in our lifetime. The more Clubhouses generated, the sooner the C of U occurs. The Big Picture makes each individual in the Neothink Society extremely important for without these individuals (membership), there can be no Clubhouses which would mean the AC would win. A very frightening thought indeed! The roots of the USA have proven when Individuals unite with a common denominator great things happen. As we in Neothink, stick together far better than any AC glue to the Big Picture shared with us in Lesson 8, the C of U will become a reality, actualized. Looking forward to that momentous day! For after that the C of U will be felt and experienced every second of every day forever. There are no adjectives for how stupendous that will be!

Absolutely, looking forward to Level 9. Love these Neothink Secret Essence Meetings. I now realize, more than earlier, all I have read in the Prime Literature, plus these meetings = growth in my knowledge of and love for the C of U. Thank you so very much Mr. Hamilton!

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