Monday, February 24, 2025

Level 8 intergration

October 30, 2010 by tdomf_fbe0b  
Filed under Integrations

Wow another great meeting, it truly helps me to see the big picture, for the last three months I have been involved in the TVP and have signed on as one of the Neothink Warriors, it is great to be on the warriors web site listen and participate in the warriors Thursday night calls, I can truly see that the people I am involved with are the best of the best… sometimes makes me wonder why I am here…although, I know why I am here, there has never been a time in our history when the TVP and Neothink has been more needed than now! With the continually failing economy, the continually rising unemployment, housing foreclosure’s skyrocketing, I can physically feel the turmoil amongst the people, we have the answer they are searching for, the child within will recognize it, when presented to them properly, it won’t be easy for the people to accept though, they have been so ingrained with the teachings and formatting of the anti-civilization, their minds will resist, they will try to suppress the inner child telling them this is right, the influence of man, the politicians, religious leaders, will sway there thinking, they will try to convince them to listen to the external authorities and ignore the child within that is reaching out for the answer to their personal turmoil, in order to prevail in this great mission, or if I may use the words “War” we must have the best of the best, I feel like I have been preparing my whole life for this mission, and I must be honest here, Mark there have been no surprises in any of your literature I have read or listened to so far, every concept that has been presented to me has been received with clarity, and understanding, the child within has confirmed it to me as I have studied and participated in the secret meetings and The TVP, as I have meet and interacted with other Neothink members I feel a oneness with them it’s as if we have known each other our whole lives, real quick one example, last week end I went to Victorville and worked with Sanford Cramer he is a TVP candidate for city council in Victorville, Several other Neothink – TVP people were there 5 of us piled in my car as we drove to one of the neighborhoods we were going to canvas, as we were conversing and laughing one of the ladies made the comment “ what kind of people are we to just jump in a car with a stranger and trust our lives with him, he could be some kind of weirdo or mass murder, as we all laughed I made the comment even though we all just met, doesn’t it feel like we have known each other for ever, and soberly they all answered yes it does, it is a great feeling to be amongst like-minded people, fellow Neothink brothers and sisters, and to all have the same goal in mind to “Depoliticize America” I know I am home and the vision Mark talks about here is real and true, it will take the best of the best to lead the way, this is a war and we will prevail, it’s what the world is crying for, Thank you Mark for allowing me to be a part of this endeavor.

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One Response to “Level 8 intergration”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    Hi graig you really sound enerjetic, and ready to take on the world for mark that is really fanstic. since you talk of deplotizeing the goverment and then th world I take it that you have signed up for the TVP mentor program, and if you have not you should consider, as this is really a great program, where you will learn about yourself and what we will all need to say and do for the Society. You Have a Beautiful day

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