Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Level 8 Mtg

February 13, 2012 by tdomf_fbe0b  
Filed under Integrations

Dear Mark,
This level 8 Mtg was quite short but sweet. Hope you recovered from the voice problem you had. I look forward to the newly emerging illuminati that you called us where there is no return. You also mentioned how for 9 years you lived in that C of U world in your mind atleast and as Napolean Hill stated, “whatever the mind can conceive, and bring it to believe, it can achieve”. When our minds begin to conceive the world you brought us in the Ms. Annabelle’ Story, and our willingness to believe in that beautiful C of U world, we can all achieve by bringing that world into reality. We have the power, we now know it in our hearts and by diligently reading your three heirloom packages we achieve that courage and fearlessness to reach for the stars and bring the C of U soon to our world.
Love you dearly for all you are doing for mankind!

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