Wednesday, February 26, 2025


February 2, 2014 by tdomf_fbe0b  
Filed under Integrations

ok regarding mylevel08 integrated response , where should i begin?
o yeah, i begin by whining and crying woe is me.
i live in a mystic plagued anticivilization boo hoo hoo.
i only now have received and have begun reading pax nt by frank r wallace.
a book that i had to opportunity to acquire 6 years earlier.
if only i had decided to purchase the volume then i would have been better off.
and oh yeah my parents mystic plagued gift to me was procreating irresponsibly by poorly choosing each other as mates.
i am Frankenstein.
truly even if it were possible for me to step into the civilization of the universe not just mentally but corporeally i would most likely not exist on the corporeal level.
i believe i am wired wrong.
it may be that i feel intuitively more than i think rationally. that any appearance of rationality is the result of me intuitively solving problems what ever it might be.
my more resent definition of life has become this.
the purpose of life is to experience experiences in life.
yet i long ago decided to limit my experience in life because of the my mystic plagued inheritance that i received from my wrong thinking parents.
i won’t procreate
i most likely will not allow myself to experience romantic love. though i also allow a back door to experience all of this should i resolve some of these mystic caused life issues troubling me.
not only am i plaque by this disease call mysticism and am even now experiencing the negative drag down effects of having it in me
there is also
the mystism plagued wrong decisions of others as such as my parents before me and their parents before them and also the current mysticism plagued wrong decisions of those about me the president of this country the senators of this country persons i work with my own religiously messed up relatives the depth of is appears endless
the depth of wrong thinking on this planet is a deep dark pit. it all affects me multiplatively.
i place some classical music in my dvd tray and begin.
imagine a mystically free civilization of the universe. where everything is beautiful all the time.
for me to get there (and in neothink it is me first then the rest) improve oneself then help others to improve themselves.
i dare say it is a natural law of the universe.
(a little mimicking here i admit i am surrounded by great neothink people i am also expressing from an internalized point using my own words the honest truth of it)
(for me at this time surrounded by neothink people means to me i am currently involved with the 12 SOS lessons and am an active member experiencing the sunday thru sunday group meetings and lately they are wunderbar)

the mind is and ought to be a continuous adventure experiencing all sorts of wonderful things. mysticism distorts this experience.
(slight digression)
the who of neothink and the end result goal the big picture the cure for aging and death is quite beautiful. it is quite unique.
it is quite organized. it can happen it is a possible future for mankind.
a cautionary note:
we sleeping zons some of us more awake than others need to be ever vigilant.
if mr odonnel is right then there is a whole negative force out there that even the wonderful mr frank r wallace may not have properly addressed.
that negative force being the beings of beings who live in a nonexistence type dimension their energy being very negative.
odonell suggests the resolution of this negativity is this.
invite the negative entity to invite the oneness of the supreme great good in the universe into their being into their existence and be healed of the negativity.
i throw this out because i am who i am .
in spite of the life issues i suggested that i have.
i am a seeker of truth. i am intuitive.
i have a capability of (mind melding so to speak with whom ever i please)
i have experienced i believe the electronic presence of mr. frank r wallace. by request of course. this is part of what i do. this is part of my capability.

With the great disadvantage i inherited via my stupid but good parents i have aspired so to speak to this ability. compensation i think for what i could have had in life but is mostly not something i should expect to experience.
on to level09.

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