Wednesday, February 26, 2025

No Return

October 10, 2012 by tdomf_fbe0b  
Filed under Integrations

Hello all;
Once I had started the Heirlooms I knew I was on a road of no return.
I almost lost my marriage because I spent 1/2 of our grocery money each time for the first two books, I lucked out because after calling member services I found there was another book one that I saved for,thus saving my marriage.
Then came the letter for Pax NT, then for Prime Cure, then for Insider Secrets.(Boy did I ever want them) no money!!! I was very positive that these Books would give me much greater integrations. So I decided to run an end-run around. I will start my own clubhouse right here in the Beautiful Piedmont of N.C. I start lessons for member services tomorrow, I believe I shall receive much more than I shall give, I’m ready for what I see in our future, the TVP in power,the powers that be kicked out, a wonderful world of love and riches for you and I.
I do not think that is too much to ask,do you? (love you)

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