Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Prime Literature is a Masterpiece

May 1, 2010 by tdomf_fbe0b  
Filed under Integrations

I also enjoyed this meeting alot (as well as all the other meetings). This meeting gave me a greater appreciation of the value of the Prime Literature. I loved the Prime Literature before, but now knowing how much time and effort went into it I love it even more.

Although I am not one of Mark’s original apprentices, persistence is definitely my trait. In the story of the tortoise and the hare, I identify with the tortoise.

I am very glad Mark didn’t give up like Peikoff and glad Mark had a plan for Biological Immortality in our lifetime.

I learned that Homer is to Anti-civ what Superpuzzle is to the 12 visions world.
I would like to view video’s of workshop meetings on the website.

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